2020- dumpster fire, blessing, or both?

Like every year, 2020 was…something. however, as shitty as some of 2020 was, I refuse to call it a bad year.

Before I go into why this year wasn’t a bad year, I want to list all of the bad things that happened, in Chronological order:

  • February 2020, we lost a family friend.
  • February 2020, we lost my husband’s mother, which still is impacting our family in so many ways.
  • March 2020, I left my ‘dream’ job (that also gave my family financial security) for a job that ended up fourloughing me for months because of Covid-19.
  • March-July 2020, a global pandemic of Covid-19, depression, and unemployment due to being furloughed. Now, unemployment itself was a great idea, but because I left my job for a new job that was deemed below my previous job there were a few issues.
  • June 2020, my brother left for basic training and due to Covid-19 he was unable to see us after graduation and was quickly shipped overseas. The earliest we will probably see him is late next year.
  • July-August 2020, I was convinced we finally were pregnant with our first baby, but unfortunately every test I took was negative- despite symptoms and being days late.
  • November 2020, it was deemed that I needed to pay all of my pandemic and state unemployment back to the government. After being unemployed for months and being alloted around $7,000 for bills and living expenses in those months, we now had to set up a payment plan to pay it all back, for no justifiable reason.
  • November 2020, due to Covid-19 numbers increasing again we made the decision for me to leave my job for the foreseeable future, putting all of our income on my husband’s shoulders.
  • December 2020, my parents were diagnosed with Covid-19 meaning we had to postpone our Christmas traditions.

Looking back, we went through so many terrible and difficult things that it would be so easy to mark this year off as a bust. Let’s shake it away and forget it happened. However, a few magnificent things happened this year as well. So let’s chronologically look at the positive things that happened to my family this year:

  • January 2020, we started the new year at Universal in Orlando, Florida with my parents, brother, and his girlfriend!
  • March-July 2020, I was able to remember my love of books, I found out I was actually good at cooking, I planted a garden, and I made so many more wax melt sales than I ever thought I would!
  • June 2020, we celebrated our third wedding anniversary!
  • September 2020, after three years of trying, we finally saw a positive pregnancy test!
  • September-December 2020, we’ve been able to use apps to watch our babies weekly development
  • September 2020, my husband started a new and better paying job!
  • December 2020, we found out we were having a baby girl!

Overall, this year has sucked for a lot of reasons. However, it seems that no matter what negative or bad thing happened to us we were given or found something positive in return. Every step of our journey this year, we have been blessed to know that God has been there with us and has been planning for our future. He has given us a financial break during a time when we were terrified of financial collapse. He gave us our perfect baby girl who is due in May. He gave us a mental break during a time where the world was literally falling apart. Everything that has happened this year has led us closer in our relationship with God and has created an environment where we can continously work toward putting all of our faith in Him and trusting that He will help us with everything we need.

With all of that positivity, how can I say this year was trash? This year was difficult and there are so many things I wish I could change about it. At the end of the day though, I am so thankful for the year 2020 and what it has set up for our future.

See you next year, Iris 🌱


I gave myself one day in bed. One day to cry, eat waffles, and sleep. I did not shower and I wore the same clothes I did the day before. I did absolutely nothing. However, I would not say that I had an unproductive day. I allowed myself to feel. I allowed myself to feel the stress of being temporarily unemployed. I allowed myself to feel the uncertainty of if we were going to be able to pay our bills in the months to come. I felt the weight of the world as I realized that there are so many people in the exact same position as my family.

That’s not what I want to focus on though. I do not want to look at all of the bad and live in my hole of confusion. I acknowledged the stress, I felt the uncertainty, and I cried. Now, it’s time to move forward. It’s time to resume.

With this month off, I have been given the opportunity to find out who I am. I’m allowed to spend the day writing or painting. I can read all the books on my shelf (okay probably not all, there are hundreds). I can start a garden and reconnect with nature. I can document my journey of self discovery. I can even focus on my business. Most importantly though, I can fall in love with myself.

If you find yourself in a position like mine, or even if nothing in your life has changed, I want to challenge you. I challenge you to fall in love with life during this pandemic. I want you to pray. I want you to learn a new skill. I want you paint, write, read, sew, crochet, knit, make paper mache; be messy. I want you to rediscover nature. I want you to fall in love with yourself.

Trust me, you deserve it.